To move a field up in the list, click the "^" button. To delete a field, click the "x" button. To insert a new field between two existing ones, click the ">" button. If you need more fields, save the form and then go back and edit it. (Each time you edit the form, some additional empty fields will be added at the bottom.) The Value of the Subject field (which you can change) will be the subject line of the e-mail message (with %%form%% replaced by your form ID). You can change the Data Type to "Text" if you want user to enter a subject, or a pull-down "Select list" with preset Values (separate the selection values with "|" characters), or a "Radio" selection. Please see the Help page.
The Value of the Subject field (which you can change) will be the subject line of the e-mail message (with %%form%% replaced by your form ID). You can change the Data Type to "Text" if you want user to enter a subject, or a pull-down "Select list" with preset Values (separate the selection values with "|" characters), or a "Radio" selection. Please see the Help page.